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My name is Alpha Villanea

Born and raise from Philippines. I immigrated to Canada in 2009. I was face to a world of unknown many struggles came my way but all those have molded me to become better version of myself. I am hoping that sharing my adventures to the world will inspire many.

    Green Satin

    My Journey Becoming An Art Collector

    Welcome to my journey of becoming an art collector! 

    Life is full of surprises! When one talent leads you to another, it creates a wonderful journey for YOU. 

    I believe Whistler has made a huge impact that it moulded me to become an Author and Art Collector. From all the experience I went through from one job to another, all through those years since 2009. Meeting different people in every walks of diverse opportunities. Taking every chances to learn to enchance my knowledge and skills. It made me become better and wiser. After I published my first book I was inspired to write another one. But, I wanted to find a Filipino artist will do the book cover for me, unfortunately it was hard to find one then I was lead to a friend through facebook who has the passion in painting, after seeing their masterpieces

    " I was immediately captured with the idea of sharing our Filipino culture through the world of art, in hopes to get connected in a deeper understanding despite our cultural differences".



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